How To Get Rid of Spiders This Spring in 4 Easy Steps
Food production for spiders peaks in Spring with the arrival of flies, midges and insects, so you can expect to see more spider web laden side mirrors and room corners to add to your pest control list. Furthermore, White Tail spiders hate the wet and damp conditions outside. They also prey on other spiders so if you are seeing lots of smaller spiders you might be inviting white tails in. Don’t despair, we’ve got a few helpful tips to keep these unwanted 8-legged pests away.
– 1 –
Clean the outside of your house aiming to rid of any and all webs. Take a hose, broom or pressure washer to them, you can never be too sure!

Get the whole family involved to ensure all grime and dirt films are cleared.
– 2 –
Spring clean inside your house. That’s why they call it Spring cleaning. Nothing should be excluded: door frames, window frames, ceiling, corners, skirting boards, crevices and so on. Be thorough, you’re only going to do it once this year, make it count. Throttle their food source, it’s the vacuum cleaner’s food now.

Which house will it be? Make sure it’s not yours.
– 3 –
Next you sit back and wait about 10 days for the webs to re-establish signaling where the active spiders are. This is where the spider control experts come in. Depending on the what they find, they are likely to start by administering an external surface treatment which is applied in areas where spiders typically crawl.
Most professional treatments work on residual contact meaning the insect will absorb the product after crawling over it, effectively exterminating it. On the internal surfaces, residual product is usually only applied as required.
Now you leave remaining cobwebs for at least 6 weeks after treatment so that visiting spiders (like our white tailed friends) will come in contact with the product. Webs can then be brushed away with a broom or duster. Don’t use water to clean these surfaces as it will wash the product away.

Who you gonna call?
– 4 –
Bonus step. No further efforts involved. The above tips will naturally keep away the white tails as you’ve successfully exterminated their food source. Bye spider, we’d prefer you find somewhere else to go about your spider business, I’ve heard camping is quite pleasant this time of year.

White Tails should take advantage of the beautiful outdoors New Zealand has to offer
Easy as! Spring into action this spring by giving us a call if you’d like to go ahead and book in a treatment.