Bed Bug Control Auckland

Bed bugs are widespread throughout Auckland and New Zealand in hotels, motels, backpackers, apartments and even homes. With increasing resilience to traditional chemical treatments they are very challenging to eradicate.
A-Jet is one of Auckland’s leading bed bug treatment specialists. We were the first to carry out a truly effective pest control service using chemical free treatments.
Just a few bed bugs can quickly turn into a full blown infestation if not treated effectively. They are not the sort of pest you want to try treat yourself as typically by the time you find evidence of them the spread is severe.
Get in touch with us today by calling or filling out the form and we will professionally and safely get rid of bed bugs in your home or office, as well as stop them from coming back.
Follow Our Simple Treatment Steps
Let Us Do What We Do Best
Our expert technicians will apply the optimum treatment to solve your pest issue.
Enjoy Your Pest Free Home
We send through a post treatment report and you get to breathe easy in your safe and clean home.
Bed Bug Signs
There are some key signs to indicate you may have a bed bug infestation. When this occurs it’s important to deal with the problem quickly and effectively, as they can breed and spread quickly. there are two key signs to look out for: bites and spotting.
Bed bugs tend to target a person’s hands, shoulders, legs and neck, while fleas tend to bite around the ankles. Spotting is identified as small black dots grouped in corners of furniture, under the wooden slats of a bed, or on the edge of a mattress. Infestations can be recognised by a heavy amount of spotting, which, in more extreme cases, can also be joined with eggs and moulted skins of the bugs. In this case it is crucial to treat the area as soon as possible.
If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation, there are some easy steps you can take to assess the situation and, of course, bring in the professionals to help.
- Watch out for bite marks: much like most other pests who feed on blood, our body sometimes has an allergic reaction to their saliva, leaving the bitten area reddish and slightly swollen. Unlike other insects, bed bugs usually bite in patterns or small clusters, making them easier to identify.
- Bloodstained sheets and pillowcases: bed bugs feed exclusively at night and their bites and painless. We are only able to notice they were there in the morning after.
- Finding more evidence: bed bugs are stealthy, but they are not ninjas. If you have an infestation, you will likely discover dark, reddish-brown fecal spots on your mattresses. Also, as they develop, they shed their skin and, when they hatch, empty shells are left behind.
Bed Bug Treatment
Pre Treatment
Give us a call or fill out a form to book an appointment for a bedbug control service. Before we can give you a price we will need to know the suburb of your property, how many rooms and bed will need treatment, and the level of infestation if apparent. Once we know the details we will be able to provide an estimate over the phone and book in a time for a technician to travel to your property and exterminate the pest. Before the technician arrives the following should be done for safe and effective treatment:
- Wash all your bedding (bed linen, blankets and pillows) using a full hot water cycle
- Once the wash is completed hot air tumble dry for at least 30 minutes
- Additional steps such as steaming and disposal of certain items may be required – your technician will have notified you after the inspection if you were required to take additional steps.
- Cover beds, bed linen and pillows
- Clear any items from window sills and the floor (including from under beds and other furniture)
- Put personal items (e.g. clothing, toys) in cupboards or on a bed with a cover sheet
- Put personal toiletries (e.g. toothbrush, towels, toilet paper) in cupboards or cover them
- Put food and crockery away in cupboards (store food in airtight containers)
- Clean behind and under your whiteware appliances e.g. fridge, dishwasher and oven
- Wash walls and skirting boards several days before the treatment to avoid making the treatment less effective.
Our bedbug treatment programme can include one or more of the following:
Cryonite System – kills bedbugs using carbon dioxide ‘snow’ (-78°C). There are no insecticides and there is no residue build-up, so no risk of toxic or allergic reactions. This makes it a perfect and very effective solution for the control of bed bugs. The carbon dioxide used is a by-product of an industrial process, so it adds no extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
Bed locks – following treatment, where practical we will recommend the use of mattress and/or base locks to prevent infestation in your bed.
Post Treatment
- Do not enter the property for at least three hours after your bed bug treatment
- Wipe down food preparation areas (but not walls)
- Wash any bedding/covers that were left out
- Do not touch any installed traps or bait
- Do not wash the product off surfaces.
Despite the treatment being effective, its important to understand that re-infestation is still possible if you travel frequently or if you have guests staying, remember bed bugs are excellent hitch hikers! To prevent a re-infestion we recommend the following:
- Vacuum at least twice a week including furniture and edges of the carpet throughout the entire apartment/house
- Vacuum your mattress and the base when turning your mattress
- Check the box spring base and mattress once a month for bed bugs and their eggs
- Change bed linen once a week and if blood spots are visible, also check for bed bugs and their eggs
- Be vigilant when using shared laundry facilities. Transport items to be washed in plastic bags (if you have an active infestation, use a new bag for the journey home). Remove from dryer directly into bag and fold at home. A dryer on high heat can kill bed bugs.
Bed Bug Prevention
The best defense again bed bugs is having an understanding of the pest and knowing what to look for. Follow these simple steps below to help prevent you having to deal with this nasty pest.
- Reduce clutter in your home to reduce hiding places for bed bugs.
- Use a protective cover that encases mattresses and box springs to eliminate many hiding spots. The light colour of the encasement makes bed bugs easier to see. Be sure to purchase a high quality encasement that will resist tearing and check the encasement regularly for holes.
- Avoid second hand furniture as it could be infested with bed bugs
- If your friends are being bitten at their house, ask them not to visit your home until they have had their pest infestation treated
- Check for signs of bed bug activity when staying at hotels or backpackers – never put bags or clothes on the bed
- Do not use products or chemicals purchased from a shop as they will not stop the infestation
- Do not use ‘flea bombs’ as they will spread the bed bug infestation (flea bombs may also activate the fire prevention system in some apartment complexes)
- Take action early – remember a female bed bug can lay 2 00 500 eggs in her lifetime. If treatment doesn’t take place, the numbers can escalate out of control very quickly.
Bed Bug FAQ
Check for bites on your arms, legs and torso, and brownish red spots on bed sheets or mattress. You could also check between the mattress and bed-base, in mattress corners, and between the bed and bedhead for activity (brownish red spots, or small crawling insects).
No. Bed bugs are resilient to most DIY treatments.
Bedbugs are hardy travellers and can be transferred as easily as moving from one location to another. Never unpack or leave bags on your bed.
The current infestation will be gone; we can’t guarantee there will be no future infestations. It’s important that you follow all recommendations our technician and/or customer service team give you.